Hannah Hartmann McClaskey



Hannah’s songwriting began at 15 with all her stringed instruments and a drive to put words to indescribable things. Every sound you hear is hers.



Hannah’s songwriting began at 15 with all her stringed instruments and a drive to put words to indescribable things. (Every sound you hear is hers.)




Mud –

One step forward in the mud / We take one step in the mud / We take one step forward / One step forward in the mud we tread / Gotta run, gotta hide, gotta get, gotta find / Gotta run and hide and claim some cover / Find some shelter in the mud tonight
// Yet here we stand with nothing in our hands but skin and bone // Come before the throne of a selfish man // We see plenty in his hands // We're looking for a gracious King to serve // And fighting till the big ego is overturned // You hope it's a noble thing you chose to serve //
Two steps down in the mud / We took two steps in the mud / We took one step forward / Then one step backward in the mud we fled / Wanna shun, wanna chide, wanna whet our pride / Wanna shun and chide and blame some other / Gotta come together in the mud and fight
// Yet here we stand with nothing in our hands but skin and bones // Come before the throne of a selfish man // We see plenty in his hands // And we're looking for a gracious King to serve // And we're fighting till the big ego is overturned // You hope it's a noble thing you chose to serve

Music/Lyrics © 2014
Violin, Ukulele, Vocals

Half n’ Half –

When I gave you an eye, you lent me your ear / One for me, one for you / Here's to the both of us / Then I paid you with smiles; you paid me with yours / Here's to me, here's to you / We're something the both of us / And if I laid you aside I'd be half of my hide
// Half of me, half of you // This equals us // Part of me, part of you // I'm made of us // Don't set me free // Don't set me free // 'Cause I don't know which is me //
If I gave you some time and you give me mine / Here's some for you - some from me / Time for the both of us / Could you find your way to you / Could I find my way to me / Could we find our way?
// Half of me, half of you // This equals us // Part of me, part of you // I'm made of us // You're made of us // We made us // If laid you aside I'd be half of my hide // Don't set me free // Don't set me free // 'Cause I don't know which is me

Music/Lyrics © 2013
Ukelele, Violin, Vocals

Remember Correctly –

Secretly hoping that you'd have something to say / Remember correctly, I always listened away / Cause at the end of the day I'm not sure anymore that you're worth waiting for / It's the end of the day and you're further away to a nevermore
// And you can't deny that you only watched me cry / And I don't know why there's nothing but a chill in your eyes / Never deny, deny, deny that I deserved goodbye // 
Hopelessly wishing that you had just let me go / While speaking softly wrapped up in tones I would know / Cause it's when you want to quit that you find you can never return to the peace of mind / When I just fit like God's given gift / but now I waste your time
// Can you deny that you only watched me cry / And I don't know why there's nothing but a chill in your eyes / Never deny, deny, deny that I deserved goodbye //
Sadly praying for the next one you love / Remember correctly no one's your little saint from above / So when it comes to the hour in your wedding tower / with the one you were waiting for / It's the end of the days of looking for fate forevermore / I pray twice, thrice, she won't pay the price of needing a goodbye
Shamelessly glowing cause that's all I have left / It's my peace fully knowing I didn't make your regrets / So goodbye, goodbye / This is my goodbye

Music/Lyrics © 2014
Guitar, Violin, Vocals

Hole in the Hull –

Oh, I cannot see anywhere past me / My eyes, they look too low / Below where your river flows
// Hot and cold and passing on through // Like a bather in temperate June // I've got riches a plenty that are floating my boat // And the hole in the hull sucking me outta your throat // Ah how ooh! Ho! Ooh ah how ooh - woe! //
You, with seven eyes strong and voice of the deepest song / Your eyes, they crack and burn / And lo, how your people turn
// Hot and cold and passing on through // Like bathers in temperate June // They've got riches a plenty floating their boats // And the hole in the hull sucking them outta your throat // Ah how ooh! Ho! Ooh ah how ooh - woe! //
So, we gather around a good man put in the ground / But my King won't be dethroned / All this time He's been at home
// We're hot and cold and passing on through // Like bathers in temperate June // We've got riches a plenty that are floating our boats // And the hole in the hull sucking us outta your throat // Ah how ooh! Ho! Ooh ah how ooh - woe! //
Hot and cold and passing on through / Like a bather in temperate June / Come be the riches a plenty that are floating my boat / So the hole in the hull will not be sinking this

Music/Lyrics © 2016
Ukelele, Violin, Vocals
Addt’l vocal: Meghan Macarty

Hawk –

Every window is one or two / Bees in hives glowing golden in hue / Up on the corner the hawk sits down / Watching the bees turn their golden hues down / Taps on my window to say "goodnight!" / But Hawk, you don't know me / I'm always burning bright
// I'll be fighting till I drop down dead // Won't see me resting till the grave's my bed // Hawk, don't try to stop me // Who are you? //
Every morning at three or four / The only bee lighting up the floor / Up on the corner the hawk he waits / He's watching the bee warding off her fate
Taps on my window to say "let go!" / But Hawk, you don't know me / Come get me or go
// I'll be fighting till I drop down dead // Won't see me rest until the grave's my bed // Hawk, you cannot stop me
Who are you? //
Every morning at five or six / Bees buzz on coffee; it's a morning fix / Up on the corner the hawk he frowns / His eyes are heavy and the moon's gone down
Dove off my window, he knows I've won / But he'll be back around without the sun
// I'll be fighting till I drop down dead // Won't see me rest until the grave's my bed // Hawk, you cannot stop me // Dark is only for the night // Hawk, you cannot stop me // Dark is only for the night

Music/Lyrics © 2015
Guitar, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Vocals